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National Library Week Art Contest

MTC Library Art Contest: What draws you?

MTC Library National Library Week Art Contest Guidelines

MTC Library and the MTC Foundation are sponsoring an art contest supporting the theme of National Library Week, "Drawn to the Library!" Enter works inspired by the people, things, and ideas that draw you.


Contest Guidelines:

The contest is open to current students, faculty, and staff of Midlands Technical College.

The categories for submission are:

  • painting,
  • drawing,
  • three-dimensional art & folk art, and
  • photography & graphic design.

Entries must not have been submitted for previous MTC Library Art Contests.

Entries must be prepared for display.

Submissions must be received between February 17th and April 1st, and must be accompanied by a digitally signed submission form that certifies the work is the entrant’s original.



A panel of judges will decide the winners for each category and for the grand prize. An online vote will determine the winner of the People's Choice award. 

Grand Prize - $100.00 Gift Certificate

Category Winners - $25.00 Gift Certificates (4 Categories)

People’s Choice - $25.00 Gift Certificate


Award Presentation:

Prizes will be awarded on Wednesday, April 9th, at 2:00 pm at Airport Library, AC 225.

Submission Info

How to Enter the Contest:



  • All submitted works must be original, including drawings, paintings, sculptures, photographs, digital art, and handcrafted art.
  • Submissions should be matted and/or display-ready.
  • Contestants are allowed to submit up to five works of art. Please complete a separate online form for each entry.

Submit Your Form

  • By entering the contest, entrants consent to the use of the publication of their name, artwork image, and statement in connection with the contest or any subsequent similar contest held by MTC Library, without payment or compensation other than the chance to win the prize awarded.
  • Students under 18 must have their parent(s) or legal guardian submit and certify their entry into the contest. Faculty and staff can also enter the contest.
  • Participants may also choose to attach a short, written description of their art's story.

Turn in Your Work

  • Complete the online form before physically submitting your work. All submissions must be turned in by April 1st, 2025, at 6pm.
  • Artwork must be submitted to Airport Campus Library (AC 225) or Beltline Campus Library (LRC 1st Floor).


For questions about the art contest, contact Aleck Williams.



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