Links: The various links can be used to select and examine topical issues for various projects and other written assignments in class. If you encounter a link which no longer is available, please email me and I will update or find a similar link. You can email me at: - Prostitution Facts - Helping teens in trouble
The Alan Guttmacher Institute Home Page
OJJDP - Juvenile Justice Bulletin
Focus Adolescent Services: Self-Injury
Kohlberg's Moral Development Theory
Incidence of sexual exploitation of children
Street Children Memorial Page
BC Institute Against Family Violence
Education of Homeless Children and Youth
ERIC/CASS Virtual Library on Youth Gangs
Family Violence Prevention Fund
Spousal Abuse Fact Sheet: A Fact Sheet from the Department of Justice Canada
National Prevention Network: The Elderly
Male Hookers? Movies about male prostitutes
Photographer Michael Jensen | Gallery | Streetkids
Prostitution: "Rethinking Prostitution"
Recidivism Among the Customers of Female Street Prostitutes
The Meretrix Online Virtual Prostitution Museum
The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children's Home Page
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