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Implementing ROV-R, Our LibAnswers Chatbot

What is ROV-R?

ROV-R (Remote Operated Virtual Reference) is MTC Library’s Virtual Chat Assistant Friend. Our chatbot has been built and integrated using Springshare's LibAnswers tools and provides our students and faculty with library assistance 24/7.

Presentation Slides

Presentation Resources

PASCAL Presentation Handout

LibAnswers Chatbot Overview and Setup

Other Tools

Library Chatbot Case Studies

Ehrenpreis, M., & DeLooper, J. (2022). Implementing a Chatbot on a Library Website. Journal of Web Librarianship, 16(2), 120–142.

Reinsfelder, T. L., & O’Hara-Krebs, K. (2023). Implementing a Rules-Based Chatbot for Reference Service at a Large University Library. Journal of Web Librarianship, 17(4), 95–109.


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