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Course Reserves: Information

For Faculty placing materials on Reserve


MTC Library Course Reserves

About Course Reserves

Book Icon

Print Reserves

Instructors may put items such as books, AV, readings, sample exams, or supplementary materials on reserve in the library to make them readily available to students. Print reserve materials may be owned by the library or the instructor.

To place class materials on reserve for your students, submit a Course Reserves Request Form.

Electronic Resource Icon

Electronic Reserves

At this time, the library is only able to put library-owned electronic materials on reserve. If you need access to electronic materials for your class, you can request the library to purchase electronic materials by completing the Suggest a Purchase Form.

To place class materials on reserve for your students, submit a Course Reserves Request Form.

Copyright Icon

Copyright Information

For questions about copyright, view the the Library's Copyright Guide.

Students! Search for course reserves for your class.

In the OneSearch that opens in the new window, you can search for course reserves by instructor, course name (i.e. Medical Terminology), or course prefix and number (i.e. ENG 101). You can always search by the book's title and author if you know that information.

Procedure for Instructors

To place class materials on reserve for your students, submit a Course Reserves Request Form.

After submitting a form for each class that you wish to place materials on reserve, drop off print materials to be placed on reserve at the appropriate library or deliver them through interdepartmental mail. Items will be processed and placed on the reserve shelf which is behind the Library's front desk. At the end of the semester, you will receive an email reminder to retrieve your items or fill out a new Course Reserves Request Form.

If the library does not own the materials you want to place on reserve (whether print or electronic), please use the Suggest a Purchase Form. Indicate that you want the book on reserve by sending an email to Erica Huff, the Librarian in charge of Course Reserves. If it fits the parameters of our collection development policy, we will do our best to purchase it as soon as possible for your course reserves. We will be in touch with you regarding the availability of this item.

Questions about Course Reserves?

Contact Erica Huff 803-738-7762



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