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MTC Reads 2024-2025: The Stories We Tell & The Objects We Keep

This LibGuide explores the art of storytelling and the role of objects in preserving narratives.

Representation, Resilience, and Healing Through Stories

Articles & Websites 📄

Digital Storytelling as a Means of Sharing Trauma: This study explores the individual and social effects of digital storytelling as a means of sharing trauma, focusing on the positive and negative impacts on survivors of sexual violence.

‘Humorous Is the Only Truthful Way to Tell a Sad Story’: Jonathan Safran Foer and Third Generation Holocaust Representation: This article examines the use of humor in Holocaust narratives and its impact on memory and representation.

A study of gender and colour over 14 years: JeongMee Yoon on The Pink and Blue Project: JeongMee Yoon's project explores gender and color through photographs over 14 years.

Stories of a Healing Way: A Navajo Woman’s Media Production for Cultural Representation and Identification: This paper discusses how media production can be used as a tool for cultural representation and identification, focusing on a Navajo woman's experiences.

Healing Power of Storytelling (Harvard Medical School): This article explores the healing potential of storytelling in the medical context, discussing its role in patient care, empathy-building, and therapeutic interventions.

Books 📚

Featured Media

Watch 🎬

The Danger of a Single Story | Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie | TED: Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie discusses how stories shape perceptions and the importance of diverse perspectives.

Chandra Wilson | Black Stories Always | HULU: Chandra Wilson highlights the importance of representation through her role as Dr. Miranda Bailey on Grey's Anatomy.

The Power of Sharing Your Story | LeRon L. Barton | TEDxWilsonPark: LeRon L. Barton, a writer and speaker, emphasizes the importance of everyone sharing their story, drawing from his experience as an author and advocate featured in various media outlets and platforms.


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