Chi Wai Wong, W., Ivy Yan Zhao, Ye Xuan Ma, Wei Nan Dong, Jia Liu, Qin Pang, Xiao Qin Lu, Molassiotis, A., & Holroyd, E., Annals of Family Medicine, 2023
Artificial Intelligence and Software Testing by Rex Black; James Davenport; Joanna Olszewska; Jeremias Rößler; Jonathon WrightAI presents a new paradigm in software development, representing the biggest change to how we think about quality and testing in decades. Many of the well known issues around AI, such as bias, manifest themselves as quality management problems. This book, aimed at testing and quality management practitioners who want to understand more, covers trustworthiness of AI and the complexities of testing machine learning systems, before pivoting to how AI can be used itself in software test automation.