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Preventing Plagiarism and Academic Dishonesty Tutorial

A guide to define and identify plagiarism and its consequences and teach the concept of academic integrity.

How to Avoid Plagiarism

In addition to proper citation, here are some guidelines for conducting research responsibly to avoid avoid plagiarism:

  • Keep detailed notes as you read.
    • When you note something word for word, always place it in quotation marks and note the page where you found it. As you take notes, note the original source and the date that you accessed the source. Keep track of your sources.
  • Keep your sources in context.
    • As you read a source, be sure that you understand the content and the context of the source.
  • Always plan ahead
    • Research and writing can be a time-consuming process when done properly. Always give yourself enough time to read, take notes, and think about how to properly use sources in your writing.
  • DO NOT cut and paste directly into your essay.
    • Create a separate document to file your research. When you type or cut and paste into that document, make sure to include the full citation information for the print source or the full URL and the date you copied the page(s).
  • Keep your writing separate from your sources and from your notes.
    • This precaution decreases the risk of accidental plagiarism.

(Harvard College Writing Program, 2020)


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